Right. It’s just three of us packing orders at the moment, and Julie’s terrifying because she’s a retired district nurse who’s fastidious about us all washing our hands – not that we weren’t before, mind you, it’s just that now we have to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ while we do it (twice).

It’s OK. We try to mix things up a little. Earlier, for example, I washed mine to ‘The Ace of Spades” by Motörhead. Darren did his whilst singing ‘My Sharona’, but that’s Darren for you…

So, what we’re trying to say is WE'RE HERE! 

We’re wrapping and packing your lovely pyjamas, robes and undies so that people can isolate in their own homes in comfort. We feel a bit like we’re doing quite an important morale boosting job because we know our garments offer a literal boost to spirits and will make people feel a bit better in the difficult months ahead.

Thanks so much for supporting British Boxers! We couldn’t do what we love to do without you. Please keep writing us notes and messages when you place your online orders and chatting to us on Twitter too.

We’re not huge and corporate –we’re just real people – you and us. All of us just trying to crack on and make the best of it.

Much love to everyone!

Deb Price
Managing Director


Shop our latest arrivals below:

Boxer Shorts | Dressing Gowns | Pyjamas | Nightshirts

March 18, 2020 — Deborah Price