On International Women’s Day I wanted to talk about a couple of the women who care so much for me and my family that they enable british-boxers.com to happen. It seemed like the right time to shout about two of my heroes. 

Firstly, Julie in the office. Her kids have left home and made homes of their own so she comes into the town early, walks round the entire centre to get her steps up on her Fitbit, arrives at the office, sorts everything out and I walk in after the madness of our school run and into a sense of calm. She’s a treasure. A retired district nurse with a work ethic honed in the NHS, a sense of order and calm combined with a heart of gold befitting of the best of the NHS too. We laugh. We have office discos. We work so hard and well together that I honestly wouldn’t be able to do my job now if she didn’t have my back and you know why it works? Because she cares for me. It matters to her that I’m OK and that the business is thriving and I’m so grateful to have her. 

Secondly Naomi. My eldest child is disabled and if it weren’t for Naomi collecting my daughter from her special school and delivering her back to me an hour later I don’t know what I’d do. Naomi is always thinking of the kids, she considers things I hadn’t thought of. She has an innate sense of fun and the patience of a saint. She excels in the areas I struggle and if we could all be half as good a mum and carer that Naomi is we’d be doing a pretty grand job in my opinion. I think often people talk about carers and unless you’ve been one you have no idea what the job entails after all we all “care” about people don’t we but day in and day out helping people cross roads, enabling play, listening to them, being firm, being kind, washing them I could go on but I won’t because there are all sorts of things carers do that are too detailed and personal to write here but that many of us wouldn’t consider in a million years. That’s Naomi. She really cares both through her hard work and her thought and time. 

There are loads of famous women who inspire me too... loads of 'em but I reckon they’ll do OK without my shout out. It’s the women who do the stuff every day. The carers in the background who make the careers happen up front who should be lauded so today my blog is a massive thank you to you. None of what I do would get done if you didn’t have my back. 

Deb Price 
Managing Director 

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March 08, 2019 — Deborah Price