The most exciting thing happened this week. Vogue magazine said that British Boxers are “One to Watch” and I was quite delighted about that. From a tiny brand which began as a small idea one evening with him indoors over a bottle of wine, to getting a stamp of approval from the world’s most recognised fashion magazine was quite a moment. They’ve used the picture of our lovely model wearing our Bordeaux Tartan pyjama set and Adele’s on the front cover in a gold dress. It all looks brilliant!

It’s a massive cumulative team effort that goes on behind the scenes to get magazines to spot your work… relationship building, PR and press releases, gorgeous design and photography etc, etc. And then it’s sitting and waiting and hoping that new customers will find your website and will also like what you do too. Paul, who runs the local lovely pizza restaurant, asked us on Twitter if we were going to come for a pizza to celebrate. The thought hadn’t originally even crossed my mind, and I know that’s him doing his marketing too, but then I thought “You know what? Good on you Paul. You’re right, yes. Yes, we are going to go for a pizza. It’s important to mark these moments,” because surely that’s the real gold in life. And it’s lovely when either someone reminds you to spot it or you notice it yourself. I’ll have olives and anchovies on top please and a big glass of non fancy Italian red. That’ll do. 

P.S. The code AUTUMN10 is still giving 10% off all full-priced goods and there are 90-day returns, meaning you can buy Christmas presents early and swap or refund after Christmas if you need to.

October 21, 2021 — Deborah Price