We had a disaster this week at British Boxers towers. Julie arrived at the office on Monday to a flood – an inch of water across the whole office floor after some pipe in the bathroom had come undone. By some amazing twist of fate the water hadn’t got to the stock room,  so thank god everything is OK.

I wrote about it on Facebook and the community rallied round. Andy and Darren came straight away and swept the water out of the back door, some plumbers came and fixed the pipe, Kerry brought her Hoover which sucks up water (it’s amazing I’m getting one),  Nicola ran to her house to get some wellies for Julie (because sadly Julie’s posh nubuck boots had fallen foul of the flood), Simon from a neighbouring business brought a dehumidifier and the tool hire place lent another one to Darren. “Don’t you want my details or a deposit” “Don’t be daft we know you” Anyway, a massive thank you to everyone! It felt like a community effort.  Team Leek fixing the leak and making sure the pants didn’t get wet! Might even send that line to the local paper with a picture of us all with sad faces pointing at some water.

Anyway, enough talk of disasters. This week we wanted to showcase our herringbone brushed cotton pyjamas. It’s now available in 4 colours – RiojaAsh GreyStaffordshire Blue and Powder Pink. All are made so beautifully. The mill dye the yarn to my colour spec and then brush it repeatedly to make the fibres fluff up. Then they’re woven into a herringbone pattern and the resulting fabric is amazing! It feels incredible next to your skin - unbelievably soft and cosy. Perfect after cold days spent sweeping water out of offices!

You can get 15% OFF our collections when you use the code AUTUMN15 at the checkout and a free face mask on all orders over £30.

October 14, 2020 — Deborah Price