You know when you get a grant for racking and a pallet stacker for the warehouse and the pallet stacker arrives but you can’t get it into the warehouse because of the slope into the building and because ordering pallet stackers isn’t really what you do for your day job so you’d never considered that it wouldn’t be able to get inside? Well, that’s what happened to me this week.

Usually, I’m a really good problem solver – thinking outside the box, working out a solution, but this one had me totally stumped. It couldn’t go back on the lorry because the driver had other drop offs to go to. It couldn’t be left in the yard because it’s electric and would get trashed. It couldn’t be dismantled either. Then you know when people are so, so kind?

The lorry driver stayed with me and Sian for 45 minutes until my bloke could arrive. Then Dan from round the corner who designs and engineers fancy bits for fancy road bikes walked past. “Do you want a hand Debs?” “Yes please!”

So, my other half (a trained architect), Dan the bike engineer, Sian with her two-steps-ahead brain honed from years of playing chess and the lorry driver (understanding how the pallet stacker actually worked) all brainstormed as a team and managed by some sort of leverage with bits of wood and borrowed pieces of equipment and some rugby playing strength all round but mostly I think, bloody mindedness and huge amounts of kindness, managed somehow to get the thing into the building. I helped too by taking a photo for the blog 😆

The Winter Sale’s still on. Please buy it all so that Brad and his team can build the racking next week without us having to move millions of boxes. There’s up to 70% OFF, no code required and up to 90-day returns!

X Deb

January 26, 2025 — Deborah Price