After what was a difficult summer for me with a leukaemia diagnosis I’m happy to report my bloods are now “normal” and the meds are doing their job beautifully, so I feel rested, well and looking forward to Autumn. The consultant says it’s likely it will always be there, but if the medicine kicks it back to not cause me any harm then it’s an inconvenience with loads of faff, but in the grand scheme of things I feel incredibly lucky. Thanks again for all your lovely messages and well wishes.

Our gorgeous collection is arriving all the time now, and this week we thought we’d give you a sneak preview of what’s new. We have our Ink Herringbone pyjamas (shown above) and Midnight Tartan collections cut for men and women – made from a beautiful brushed cotton fabric which feels wonderfully soft against your skin. We make these pieces at a lovely family-run business in Europe, and I’m concerned about supply chains and customs delays as we head further into Autumn. So, here’s  just a gentle nudge that if you’d like pieces for Christmas (I know…sorry) then for those of you who like to get it sorted early, it would be amazing if you could place orders as soon as possible so that we can place our repeat orders with the factory in plenty of time. The joys of logistics!

There’s a 10% off introductory code if you get your orders down this week. Just use the code SEPTEMBER10 on the last page before checking out.

Thanks again for all your support and have a brilliant week!

September 17, 2021 — Deborah Price