I’m still wearing my winter coat in the office. It’s a  man’s coat that I bought about 5 years ago to wear when we started the business on market stalls. (Classy Deb) It’s meant to be warm to minus 25 degrees, but Julie reckons it’s about 20 degrees in the office and I’m still freezing in the corner. Can you get typing gloves?

We’re still waiting for hauliers to bring in deliveries and components from Europe. I messaged one of them at the port this morning and asked him how the sunlit uplands were coming along. He’s not replied. To be fair, he’s probably quite busy, but I think he will reply eventually because we’re paying him a millionaire’s mortgage to fill out the accurate paperwork. I’m confident that the pyjamas will come through and Spring will happen in the end. Fashion always finds a way through!

In the meantime, feast your eyes on these brushed cotton pyjamas and long-sleeved tops below which we do have in stock and stay safe and keep warm. Use the code JANUARY10 at the checkout to get 10% off your purchase too!

Deb Price
Managing Director

P.S. I’ve just read my email out to Julie and she says, “That coat was never warm to minus 20 on the market! You needed 8 layers underneath it and thermal leggings too!” I think this gives me permission to buy a new coat. If there are any in the country. 
*gnashes teeth*

January 27, 2021 — Deborah Price